Hear from our clients
Our clients love working with us, just read what they have to say!
“Denny has been helping my wife and I with our estate plan and asset protection plan since 2009. I have strong protections from creditors, lawsuits, claims and unforeseen situations, all within the law. It gives my wife and I a great deal of comfort knowing we have protections in place for our life-long hard work and that our kids and grandkids will have the same (and even better) safeguards when we pass away. Denny has always helped us keep everything straight to ensure we are covered.”

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“We have three young children. We are really happy Denny got our plan in place so that it could help guide us through the coming years. He is easy to work with and he explains things in ways we can understand. We wanted to get our plan in place for a while, and Denny made it stress-free for us.”

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“I was a real estate investor and National real estate instructor for years. Denny helped me make sure that I was not personally liable for bad events that too often take place in the real estate arena. He taught me how to hold property and how to protect myself. Denny also devised a killer set of legal documents to structure my estate and asset plan providing me the ability to handle issues that arise when I am out of the Country which has paid off handsomely to make sure things got done correctly in my absence.”

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“When it comes to being an owner and landlord for managing my rental properties, Denny is the best. He wrote the book on the subject. Literally, he wrote the book (12 Principles of Highly Successful Owners, Landlords and Property Managers). No matter what the situation, an awesome lease, knowing what forms to use and when to use them, properly screening prospective tenants to avoid problems down the road, using crime free principles to protect my properties and having a clear plan from start to finish – his experience saves me money and time – and I really like that. My asset protection plan brings a lot of peace of mind in a scary legal world.”

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“I tried getting my estate and asset protection plan set up with documents I found online and talking to friends. Boy, did that ever backfire on me. I wasted so much time trying to do it myself and finally realized I did not even know the right questions to ask to protect my assets and get my estate in proper form. Denny changed all of that. Now I feel protected and know my plan is specifically tailored for my needs.”

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“I am a doctor and have several offices. It seems that there is always a liability issue on the horizon. Denny helps me protect my family and assets from legal issues, employment issues, real estate issues and the general protections needed from day-to-day in what seems to be an ever increasing litigious and quick-tempered work world. I want to make sure that my kids have a nest-egg when I am gone, and the way Denny set up my estate and asset protection plan even helps me protect my kids from themselves – and I get to control the kids from the grave. Ingenious! Now, no one can get to the money I earned by working long, hard hours. I pay my taxes, but I do not like attorneys. I finally feel some safety.”

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